- 75-year-old lady mauled to death by a bull mastiff in Hot Springs, Arkansas
The bull mastiff is an exceptionally large, powerful and potentially dangerous breed. Individuals can weigh as much of 150 pounds. - Fatal dog attack by mixed bull mastiff dogs on a 57-year-old lady in Dayton Ohio, February 2014
- $1.1 million in record settlement in serious bull mastiff dog bite attack in Illinois
- Fatal dog attack by bull mastiff on a 13-year-old boy in New Jersey
- Fatal dog attack by bull mastiff on a 2-year-old boy in Texas
- Horrific fatal dog attack by Bull mastiff in Texas
- Elderly lady mauled by bull mastiff guarding a dead body
Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California
“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”